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English Language Arts: California Excursions

MCA adopted California Excursions published by Houghton Mifflin, a standards based language arts program in the 2009-2010 school year. This program is specifically designed to meet the needs of English Language Learners.  Program embedded assessment data is collected in several categories (Our targeted categories are: comprehension, vocabulary, and usage/conventions) at the conclusion of each of the six themes in one year of instruction.  Each teacher team analyzes student achievement on a weekly basis and formally assesses progress on the biweekly assessments.  Theme tests are given after five to six weeks of instruction. 


Math: Saxon

MCA has used the Saxon math program since 1999 and is currently using the state approved 2008 Edition which is aligned to state standards.  Saxon has a spiraling curriculum and program embedded assessments cover a sampling of material that has been taught since the beginning of the instructional school year. Saxon is a language rich math program that provides daily opportunities for students to use manipulatives and realia as they apply structured strategies to solve real world math problems.



If you have any questions regarding these core curricular programs please feel free to talk to your child’s teacher or the school leadership and they will be more than happy to answer any questions.